Getting Started

Getting started with setting up these tools takes a bit of getting used to, but once you get it down It's easy

If you are looking to just use the tools, there will be a brief summary under the setup section, however this site is mostly for self hosting!

✨ Now I really should have made an org to organize these projects, but most will be linked @ the main repo

We mainly work with GitHub repositories since:

  • It's free!
  • It's open source
  • And you get free stuff through Github Education while being a student!

Due however note:

  • Github is intended to be used by people who know what they are doing (might be a learning curve)
  • Most developer tools will take some critical thinking and willpower
  • It might get a little complex
  • I believe in you!
  • That's why these docs exist.
  • I can't host my own stuff forever for free XP