EZPROX Is a PROX api using Ultraviolet

ℹ️ | This documentation is for setting up https://prox.sillylittle.tech on your own domain/setup, visit the URL for the publically hosted version, and append your URL to use it (eg. https://prox.sillylittle.tech/https://www.example.com)
Note that at the moment this project is more of a proof of concept than a working product.
Check out https://docs.sillylittle.tech/setup/acprox for an example of a working setup.
The goal of this project is to get a very very barebones proxy setup, however it seems that due to how some browsers work, this may be harder than it seems. See CONTRIBUTING \

It's easy to setup and can be done with less work and is easier to use than a full Private Network or ACPROX but could be more vunderable to exposed data in network traffic.

First Clone it with this link to your Vercel account!

Vercel will help you make a new repo and deploy it..... and that should be it.

Now, simply enter a URL after your domain (ex. example.com/https://google.com) and you should be able to access the web.
PLEASE NOTE: In the UV config the bare server is @ https://go.sillylittle.tech/bare/ (an external resource, hosted by me).
This can be any externally hosted bare server...
However, if you want to use the same bare server as your Prox, you will need to set the prefix to something other than / (/u/ for example), as the prefix being / causes Ultraviolet to ignore the bare server @ /bare/.
Using the same local bare server will require you to use a proper prefix for UV! This info should be noted to your consumers (if you decide to add a prefix)!

Current method expects an external bare server, you can get one by creating another repo (and hosting it) and setting your UV prefix in uv.config.js to literally anything (ex. /u/ u being anything) and then using 2ndurl.real/bare/ as your bare location (in the main repo).
Or... You can change your UV prefix in the main repo to again literally anything, but this time informing your consumers of this change, to prevent the need for two projects being hosted, but this won't give you the myurl.web/https://www.google.com feel.

The choice is up to you, one is easier, but one looks cooler... I am using my own external bare server since I am already hosting two.

After that you can also setup any custom domains in Settings > Domains

Despite EZPROX being simpler than other methods due to its unencoded URLs sites used could be exposed via network traffic to either your ISP or Company Network, be advised.
Report any bugs, suggestions, etc. here!.
Or report to technology@sillylittle [dot] tech